The CHI660E hardware uses a high-speed processor, a fast amplifier, a fast analog-to-digital converter and a digital-to-analog converter. An analog integrator is added to the chronocoulometer. A 16-bit high-resolution and high-stability current bias circuit can be used to achieve current zero output, and can also be used to increase the current dynamic range of AC measurement. The high-resolution analog-to-digital converter has a better signal-to-noise ratio and also gives a larger dynamic range for sensitivity settings. The internal control program adopts FLASH memory. The update of the instrument software no longer requires mailing and replacement of EPROM, but can be transmitted through the network and written through program commands. This makes software updates faster and more convenient.
CHI660E electrochemical analyzer integrates almost all commonly used electrochemical measurement techniques. It can be used for daily catalytic reaction performance evaluation (OER, ORR, CO2RR, etc.), mechanism research, analysis application, corrosion research, etc. It is a very good comprehensive electrochemical analyzer.