
Rile Ge

Research and Development of In-situ/Operando Mössbauer Spectroscopy Techniques

Nationality: Inner Mongolia, China

Professional Title: Associate Professor

Tel: +86-411-84379711



2016-07 to now, DICP, MEDC, Associate Professor

2013-09 to 2016-06, DICP, Associate Professor

2010-09 to 2013-08, DICP, Assistant Research Fellow

2006-10 to 2010-07, Queen's University of Belfast, QUILL-Chemistry, PhD

2004-12 to 2005-12, Queen's University of Belfast, QUILL-Chemical Process, Master

2000-09 to 2004-07, Inner Mongolia University of Technology, Environmental Engineering, Bachelor


Representative Publications:

1. Z. Klencsar, J. Wang, R. L. Ge, W. H. Zhou, D. R. Liu, I. R. Alexandre, T. Zhang, Further development of the database of the Mössbauer Effect Data Center, Hyperfine Interactions, 2020, 241, 30

2. K. X. Zhu, C. Z. Jin, C. X. Zhao, R. S. Hu, Z. Klencsar, G. A. Sundaram, D. F. Sranko, R. L. Ge, J. Wang, Modulation synthesis of multi-shelled cobalt-iron oxides as efficient catalysts for peroxymonosulfate-mediated organics degradation, Chemical Engineering Journal, 2019, 359, 1537-1549

3. C. Wang, Y. Wang, R. L. Ge, X. D. Song, X. Q. Xing, Q. K. Jiang, H. Lu, C. Hao, X. W. Guo, Y. A. Gao, D. L. Jiang, A 3D covalent organic framework with exceptionally high iodine capture capability, Chemistry-a European Journal, 2018, 24(3), 585-589

4. J. Y. Liu, X. N. Li, A. I. Rykov, Q. H. Fan, W. Xu, W. M. Cong, C. Z. Jin, H. L. Tang, K. X. Zhu, A. S. Ganeshraja, R. L. Ge, X. D. Wang, J. H. Wang, Zinc-modulated Fe-Co Prussian blue analogues with well-controlled morphologies for the efficient sorption of cesium, Journal of Materials Chemistry, 2017, A5(7), 3284-3292

5. R. L. Ge, D. Hao, Q. Shi, B. Dong, W. Leng, C. Wang, Y. Gao, Target synthesis of an Azo (N=N) based covalent organic framework with high CO2-over-N-2 selectivity and benign gas storage capability, Journal of Chemical and Engineering Data, 2016, 61(5), 1904-1909

6. D. D. Hao, J. N. Zhang, H. Lu, W. G. Leng, R. L. Ge, X. N. Dai, Y. N. Gao, Fabrication of a COF-5 membrane on a functionalized alpha-Al2O3 ceramic support using a microwave irradiation method, Chemical Communications, 2014, 50(12), 1462-1464

7. R. L. Ge, R. W. K. Allen, L. Aldous, M. R. Bown, N. Doy, C. Hardacre, J. M. MacInnes, G. McHale and M. I. Newton, Evaluation of a Microfluidic Device for the Electrochemical Determination of Halide Content in Ionic Liquids, Analytical Chemistry, 2009, 81(4), 1628-1637

8. R. L. Ge, C. Hardacre, J. Jacquemin, D. W. Rooney, Book Chapter:Thermophysical properties of ionic liquids. Ionic Liquids: From Knowledge to Application, N. V. Plechkova, R. D. Rogers, K. R. Seddon, 2009, 1030, 43-60

9. R. L. Ge, C. Hardacre, J. Jacquemin, P. Nancarrow, D. W. Rooney, Heat capacities of ionic liquids as a function of temperature at 0.1 MPa. measurement and prediction, Journal of Chemical and Engineering Data, 2008, 53(9), 2148-2153

10. R. L. Ge, C. Hardacre, P. Nancarrow, D. W. Rooney, Thermal conductivities of ionic liquids over the temperature range from 293 K to 353 K, Journal of Chemical and Engineering Data, 2007, 52(5), 1819-1823