2015-03 to now, Dalian Polytechnic University, Associate Professor
2011-05 to 2015-01, Dalian Luming Luminescent Technology Co. LTD, Senior Engineer
2008-06 to 2011-05, DICP, Postdoctoral
2003-09 to 2008-06, Lanzhou Institute of Chemical Physics, Physical Chemistry, PhD
1998-09 to 2002-07, Shanxi University, Applied Chemistry, Bachelor
Representative Publications:
1. Hu Z., Liang W., Dong P., Dong C., Zhang Y., hang J., Yu J., Remarkable photoluminescence of europium (II)-doped phosphate cyan@red-emitting phosphorswith highly dispersed luminescence centers, Chemical Communications, 2019, 55, 198-201
2. Wenlu Liang, Yanjie Zhang, Muyao Wang, Improved photoluminescence property by homogeneous deposition-precipitation method for Eu2+ doping in Si–N–O frameworks, Journal of Luminescence, 2019, 215, 116646
3. Zeqing Hu, Zhiyuan Cheng, Peipei Dong, Han Zhang, Yanjie Zhang, Enhanced photoluminescence property of single-component CaAlSiN3: Ce3+, Eu2+ multicolor phosphor through Ce3+- Eu2+ energy transfer, Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 2017, 727, 633-641
4. Yanjie Zhang, Junhu Wang, Tao Zhang, Novel Ca-doped CePO4 supported ruthenium catalyst with superior catalytic performance for aerobic oxidation of alcohols, Chemical Communications, 2011, 47, 5307-5309
5. Yanjie Zhang, Junhu Wang, Jie Yin, Kunfeng Zhao, Changzi Jin, Yuying Huang, Zheng Jiang, Tao Zhang, Enhanced Catalytic Activities and Characterization of Ruthenium-Grafted Halogenous Hydroxyapatite Nano-Rod Crystallites, Journal of Physical Chemistry C, 2010, 114, 16443-16450