The DICP (Dalian Institute of Chemical Physics) 70th Anniversary Conference (XIII), ICAME 2019 - 35th International Conference on the Applications of the Mössbauer Effect, was held in the conference center of DICP, CAS (Chinese Academy of Sciences) on September 01 - 06, 2019. The main organizer of this conference was Mössbauer Effect Data Center (MEDC), DICP, CAS. The Synfuels China, a company specialized in the research and development of Coal - to - Liquid technologies and corresponding engineering support, also was the organizer. In addition, Guangxi Normal University (GXNU), a key university located in Southern China, was another organizer.
This conference was mainly composed of three parts (“Timetable of the DICP Symposium + ICAME 2019 + Spectrum Analysis Workshop” in the attached 1). The first part was pre-event of DICP Symposium (No. 51), held on August 31, 2019, on Mössbauer Spectroscopy Related to Synchrotron Radiation and Free Electron Laser; the second part was ICAME 2019, held on September 01 - 06, 2019; the third part was a half-day Workshop on Mössbauer Spectrum Analysis in the afternoon of 6 September, 2019.
The ICAME 2019 conference was sponsored by CAS Conference Special Fund. The Russian Mössbauer source company - Ritverc (, Germany Mössbauer spectrometer manufacture company - WissEl (http://www., Czech Republic Mössbauer spectrometer manufacture company from Palacký University in Olomouc (, MossWinn Spectrum Analysis Software Developer (, the company Synfuels China and Guangxi Normal University also provided financial support to the preparation of this conference. Their contributions are greatly appreciated.
The IBAME chair - Prof. Michael Reissner from Austria, the vice - chair Prof. Jean-Marc Greneche from France and the secretary - Prof. Ralf Röhlsberger from Germany, as well as other IBAME representatives from more than 30 countries attended this conference. Prof. John Stevens - the founder of MEDC, also presented this conference.
Some distinguished guests in China also presented this conference. Prof. Tao Zhang, he is an academician as well as the vice - President of the Chinese Academy of Sciences. He is the China’s IBAME representative and one of the chairs of ICAME 2019; Prof. Desheng Xue from Lanzhou University, he is the current Director of Chinese Mössbauer Community; Prof. Rui Cai, Deputy Director of our host DICP; Prof. Fashen Li, the former President of Lanzhou University, and Prof. Shengyun Zhu, the former Secretary General of the China Nuclear Physics Society. It’s our great honor to see their presences.
Prof. Junhu Wang, one of chairs of ICAME2019, moderated the opening ceremony. Profs. Michael Reissner, Desheng Xue, Rui Cai, and Tao Zhang, delivered speeches at the opening ceremony. During preparing this conference, our three committee members, Dr. Göstar Klingelhöfer from Germany, Dr. Mira Ristić from Croatia, Prof. Mamdouh A. Ahmed from Egypt, unfortunately passed away. Each of them is well-known senior Mössbauer experts. In homage to them, all participants stood up and kept a minute silence during the opening ceremony.
For preparing this ICAME 2019 conference, most of members from the International Advisory Committee and the International Program Committee have made great supports and contributions. Special thanks to Prof. Denes Lajos Nagy of Wigner Research Centre for Physics, Hungary.
This was the second time that ICAME was held in China. The first time was hosted by Nanjing University in 1991. The scientific programme of the conference featured 73 talks including 4 tutorial lectures, 5 keynote and 15 invited talks, 4 IBAME Award presentations and 36 oral contributions 20 and 16 of the latter ones being presented in plenary and parallel sessions, respectively. As a new initiative, 6 of the plenary oral contributions were presented in a special Young Scientists Session completed by a roundtable panel discussion (the final list of full talks in the attached 2). Central elements of this conference were the two poster sessions hosting 120 presentations. More than 170 participants from 30 countries and regions attended this conference, as well as the conference banquet and a-half-day excursion to Lvshun museum and military port.

For the sake of encouraging more young scientists and graduate students joining in the applied studies of the Mössbauer effect, an award for outstanding posters was established and named as “ICAME 2019 poster award”. At the closing ceremony, 10 young participants’ posters were granted as the “ICAME 2019 poster award” by Prof. Junhu Wang, on behalf of the Organizing Committee of the ICAME 2019 conference. Their details are listed in the attached 3.

Attached 1 is Timetable of the DICP Symposium + ICAME 2019 + Spectrum Analysis Workshop
Attached 2 is Final List of the Full Talk
Attached 3 is The list of the ICAME 2019 Poster Award