Invited by Dalian Association for Science & Technology (DAST), Dr. Göstar Klingelhöfer attended the Overseas Expert Forum of DAST as well as the Culture Forum of Dalian Institute of Chemical Physics (DICP). Based on the purpose of popularization of space exploration science, he delivered two special lectures of “Roving the Red Planet: Spirit, Opportunity and the Exploration of Mars” on December 18 in DICP and 20 in University of Chinese Academy of Sciences (UCAS), respectively. He was also invited to visit Laboratory of Catalysts & New Materials for Aerospace in DICP and National Space Science Center in CAS for a consulting discussion of well-known MIMOSII technology.
Vice President of CAS, Prof. Zhang Tao met Dr. Göstar in headquarter of CAS in Beijing, and made a deep discussion on the further cooperation in the development of an advanced MIMOSII system towards Chinese space exploration projects.