Dr. Paulo de Souza of CSIRO (Commonwealth Science & Industry Research Organization, Australia), as one of the 8 members of the Australian young scientists participating in the “2011 China-Australia Exchange Plan for Young Scientists”, was invited to visit the MEDC (Mössbauer Effect Data Center) of DICP from 21st to 24th of April.
During his visit in DICP, Dr. Paulo de Souza has undertaken in depth discussions with Prof. ZHANG Tao, Director of DICP, and Prof. WANG Junhu on topics such as the building of Mössbauer data base and the developing of mini Mössbauer devices for lunar exploration. He was also invited to present a lecture, with the interesting title of “Whether there is life in the Mars or not? — Exploring the Mars with Mössbauer spectroscope”. During his stay in DICP, Dr. Paulo de Souza also visited the Laboratory of Space Catalysis & New Materials, and carried out academic exchange with the DICP scientists.
The China-Australia Exchange Plan for Young Scientists was set up by the Chinese Ministry of Science & Technology and the Australian Ministry of Education, Science & Training in April 2006 during the visit of the Chinese Premier WEN Jiabao to Australia.